
Applied Energy Dispersive XRF Analysis Technique Training was Held by TÜBİTAK BUTAL at Turkish Coal Enterprises Aegean Lignite Enterprise Soma

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The training on "Energy Dispersive XRF Analysis Technique", which includes information on the use of EDXRF Spectrometer, was carried out by TÜBİTAK BUTAL Personnel Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Akif ÇİMENOĞLU on 24-25 March 2022 at the Turkish Coal Enterprises Aegean Lignite Enterprise in Soma/Manisa.

In order to increase the knowledge and experience of the operators who are currently using EDXRF spectrometers, to solve the problems encountered in the analysis, to ensure that the performance of the spectrometer is at the maximum level and stable, the first day of the on-site training; Fundamentals and historical development of XRF, XRF spectroscopy, XRF spectrometers, EDXRF spectrum, matrix concept, basic parameters method, experimental calibration, interference effects, qualitative and quantitative analysis, instrument calibration and maintenance,

On the second day; sample preparation techniques, sample types, spectra, practical information about the issues to be considered in the evaluation of the data, followed by general evaluations.

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