Your Career Journey Awaits You at TÜBİTAK BUTAL

Year 2024National Internship Program

Within the scope of the National Internship Program, conducted under the coordination of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey's Human Resources Office, the pool of interns is now open for access by employers from the public and private sectors!

As TÜBİTAK, we are starting to send proposals to candidates within the quota according to the ATSP ranking and eagerly await contributing to our youth's career journey!

Don't forget to check the "Received Offers" section in the Career Gateway system and your emails!

For detailed information click here.


With us To work To research To develop
Would you like?

Do you want to work Research Develop
with us?

You can apply by accessing our announcements through the TÜBİTAK Job Application System.

YEAR 2024

Intern Quota

Department Bursa
Environmental Engineering 1
Food Engineering 1
Chemical Engineering 3
Textile Engineering 1
Total Bachelor's Degree Internship Quota 6
Department Bursa
Environmental Protection and Control 1
Environmental Health 1
Environmental Cleanup and Inspection 1
Food Quality Control and Analysis 1
Food Technology 1
Chemical Technology 1
Textile Technology 1
Polymer Technology 1
Total Associate Degree Intern Quota 3


Employee Profile

Distribution of TÜBİTAK Personnel by Educational Background

Primary School
High School
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree

To get informationContact Us

Email: butal@tubitak.gov.tr

Telephone: (224) 233 94 40

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