
Conference, Scientific Experiment Demonstrations and Technical Visits to our Laboratories were organized at TÜBİTAK BUTAL during Science and Technology Week

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Within the scope of the 8-14 March 2024 Science and Technology Week, the conference/conversation event we organized at TÜBİTAK BUTAL campus was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder AYBASTIER, Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Literature, Uludag University, and Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN, Lecturer at the Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Uludag University.

On March 12, 2024, students of Bursa Anatolian High School (BAL) participated in an event:

In the talk on "The Secret of Life DNA", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder AYBASTIER shared information with the students about the discovery of the DNA double helix structure, the historical development of DNA, the functions of DNA, damage and repair mechanisms.

In the conversation on "Are You Aware of What You Eat", Prof. Dr. Yasemin ŞAHAN shared information about Chemical Risks, Pesticides, Food Analysis, Microbiological Risks, Microbiological Risks, Foodborne Infections, Cell Culture - Nanotechnology Applications in Meat and Food Industry, Vegan Nutrition and False Facts about Foods.

After the question and answer sections of the conferences, which attracted great interest, Mr. Sedat AKTAŞ, Director of TÜBİTAK BUTAL, wished success to the faculty members who participated in the conference as educators and presented certificates of appreciation.

The students who took part in the conference visited our laboratories with their teachers. They also saw the experiments on the devices with the explanations of our expert staff in our laboratories.

After the Technical Laboratory visits, our conference event program ended.

On 13 March 2024, "Scientific Experiment Demonstrations and Technical Trips to our Laboratories" were organized for the students and teachers of Koç Secondary School in the afternoon program and Macide Gazioğlu Kükürtlü Secondary School in the afternoon program.

Accompanied by our Science-Community work team and their teachers, the students visited our laboratories and had the opportunity to closely observe the experiments and devices during their technical visits in the laboratories.

In both school activity programs, at the end of the laboratory technical visits, students gathered at TÜBİTAK BUTAL first in our conference hall and then in our garden and were welcomed by the team from Bursa Science Community Center [BTM] and Trainer Emirhan YILMAZ.

Emirhan YILMAZ, an educator, interacted with students in our conference hall and garden with his talks and scientific experiments. 

After the successful event, Mr. Sedat AKTAŞ, Director of TÜBİTAK BUTAL, presented certificates of appreciation to the staff of the team from Bursa Science Community Center (BTM).

Afterwards, our event program at our campus ended.

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Personnel will be recruited to work at TÜBİTAK Bursa Test and Analysis Laboratory (BUTAL) Directorate. To apply for the job postings open between February 17 and March 10, 2025, click here.

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